CYRS & BEERS: Website Design
CYRS & BEERS is an exhilarating 4-day cyr wheel training intensive designed to celebrate and elevate the art of cyr wheel. It serves as a dynamic platform where both aspiring artists and seasoned professionals come together, united by their passion for this unique circus discipline.
Drawing inspiration from sports events and bboy culture, the website showcases vibrant colors, bold typography, and intuitive navigation. Powered by Divi on WordPress, it ensures seamless responsiveness and integrates WooCommerce for a smooth shopping experience. Continuous user feedback has driven iterative improvements, enhancing the website’s appeal and functionality.
Since its launch in 2019, the CYRS & BEERS website has garnered praise from event organizers and visitors alike, fueling excitement and increasing event registrations and merchandise sales.
Web Design
Check out this site live
Immerse yourself in the dynamic web design crafted for CYRS & BEERS. Explore the extraordinary event celebrating Cyr wheel artistry, skill development, and the spirit of camaraderie.